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Tag Archives: Scrooge

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I hate to sound like Mr. Scrooge, but “Christmas – Bah!  Humbug!”  I hope that when — and if — Jesus Christ comes, He/She will do away with “Christmas” (and other like-celebrations, supposedly in His honor).  More and more, it is the most depressing time of the year — for more and more people.

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We hardly get past Thanksgiving — a time when we should be giving thanks for what we do have — when we start spending what we don’t have — money, time, love…  Needless to say, the event has become so commercial — emphasis is on retailers “making” the year, not where it should be — a Savior who, supposed, did and/or will save us.  Please, save us, Lord Jesus, from all this commercialism and misconceptions about you.

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I, personally, would rather have people celebrating their own causes ~~ a time of year, a harvest, ancestry, community festivals.  I would rather have people giving gifts throughout the year — and ones for the most-part they’ve made — rather than this big glut one day of the year (only to have many “returned” in the days that follow).


I say “cut the crap!”  Find the reasons to truly celebrate ~~ find the love in your hearts.


May you all have a blessed and peaceful holiday season. 



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